Infertility is the stigma of being labeled as infertile which is terrible, not something anyone wants,but anyone can find himself or herself in this situation.Sometimes couples will disclose or discuss their difficulties in reproduction with friends, family or relatives. However, some couples want to avoid the stigma associated with infertility,they will keep their difficulties to themselves. Either way, the only way to reduce the stigma attached to infertility is to encourage the conversation and to educate and empower couples when they are facing difficulties with conceiving.
If you have been battling with the problem if infertility,you are not alone in this journey you can visit Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd today or Call Dr.Olawale on 08034152029 Glory be to Almighty God, Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd with our proven herbal products in many cases our patient were able to conceive with the help of our herbal products which is 100% natural fertility herbal therapy.
Like any disease, is simply a sign that something is not right inside your body and must be fixed,fertility is a natural process in the body, but one the body can turn off if it doesn’t feel it can safely sustain a pregnancy.We have seen many patient who had struggled to conceive passed through a period trial and turbulence. Many patient didn't know how lucky they are without passing this journey of life called infertility.I
Do you know how painful it was for them to have a child and struggle to get pregnant?There are so many factors surrounded the cause or contribute to infertility as a results of ignorance,many patient even attributed the menace of Infertility to spiritual problem or attacked.
If you visit Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd we shall meet our season herbal medicine practitioner and you about your health history and subjected you for comprehensive test to know what would be the causes of your infertile.
You or your relatives might been experiencing any cases of Infertility and you want to conceive naturally,Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd Lagos Nigeria is the surest place to visit for your health talk and professional advice.You should aware that Our herbal fertility package for male and female is very affordable and the price for the complete for our unique natural products is very friendly.
There are many patients both home and abroad who have used our product's with positive feedback testimonies with our Holistic approach to find lasting solution to Infertility through our natural Organic herbal products.The efficacy of our Holistic natural Organic herbal products is guarantee because it is 100% formulated proven medicinal plants that you trust for fertility.Whomp Intl Centre Alternatives Therapy Ltd is Pathfinder in natural and Alternative Therapy revolution.
Whomp fertility treatment package will help you to detoxify any toxic or impurity in your system within 4 weeks through our certified natural Organic and you shall proud to become patent.No one will tell you about the efficacy of our herbal products,our products speak for us because it has great potency it contains essential proven medicinal plants that you trust to enhance fertility both male and female.
There are various and numerous testimony of our products.
In case of women :Un-control artificial hormones or pills of any kind might the causes why many patient have delay in conception which is also including birth control which can make fertility difficulty because some hormonal birth control recommend for some patient didn't suitable for their body system which caused hormonal imbalances and problems at end of the day.
Many men engaged in many ilicits drugs, drinking and smoking which can engaged their fertility at unripe age.The effects of drug abuse on the male and female reproductive Systems can never rule out the possible causes of infertility .According to our intensive research at Whomp Herbs Ltd, substance abuse can negatively impact the reproductive health of both sexes in a number of ways and may contribute to serious problems like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), infertility, and cancer.
Women who use drugs and alcohol while pregnant put their unborn children at risk of pregnancy-related complications and future problems that can impact their health and ability to function in the world.It is crucial for both men and women to understand the effects of drugs on their reproductive system in order to make more informed decisions about their health.

Deekah Herbal formulae CAPSULES Now 08034152029
Deekah Herbal formulae is highly effective because it contain essential proven anti-bacteria medicinal plants with proven potency to get rid the bacteria infection from system. There is no hidden place for the bacteria in system with a very effective and efficient Deekah Herbal Capsules. Deekah Herbal Capsules well-researched proven medicinal herbal product's for the treatment of any bacteria infection either staph bacteria infection,E-coli,Candidas, Chlaymadia and many more are wagging war against humanity now and It is high time we go back to nature now the mother of morder medicine for permanent cure for Stds.Call us now 08034152029 or 08058563316 Whatsapp 08034152029.

Spermo-Vite -Herbal formulae™ Call Now 08034152029
Spermo-Vite Herbal formuale™ is a brand new Herbal Therapy which could provide an effective and low-cost alternative to expensive conventional treatment methods.
Spermo-Vite herbal formuale™ provides a new option for couples unable to conceive. With Spermo-Vite formuale™, the need for donor sperm and IVF may be reduced and the anxiety and stress normally associated with lengthy reproductive treatments should also greatly diminish.
Spermo-Vite™ -- a novel, all-natural, safe, and therapeutically viable alternative for breaking the debilitating effects of both male factor infertility.
Spermo-Vite is a powerful herbal remedy for curing low sperm count if consumed twice in a day. This herb promotes blood flow, removes blockages, increase libido, enhance stamina, smoothens functioning of reproductive organs and balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of low sperm count.

Dee-bull Herbal Capsules
This is newly rebranded Herbal Capsules to restore /revive the libido naturally.It enhance sexual ability and give natural strenght for ejaculation.

Watch the Testimony Below...
1.Testimony of our patient from Ghana .
2..Testimony from our patient from Cameron

The above testimony you read about our products have convinced many patients about the efficacy of our products but many still doubting but there is no way we can be more faster than nature and there is power in nature.We are came from from nature.
We implore you or your relatives to take a very decisive decision today and try our natural Organic products .We urges those who are battling with infertility over years and those who have tried IVF that failed or those who are planning to go for IVF natural Organic herbal products is pure natural when technology failed natural Organic products will never failed.Go natural now!!!!!!
The amount of money incurred in seeking for alternative solution through IVF and many other means is very disheartening because of huge amount of money involved.
Over the last 15 years,Whomp Int'l Centrr Alternatives Therapy Ltd has achieved outstanding fertility treatment results through a unique combination of traditional, alternative, and holistic fertility therapies. Our unique are designed to aggressively to find lasting solution to Infertility.
To take advantage of this special offer through our Pay ondelivery service if you reside in any of Nigeria. The product will be delivered to your choice address and you will pay our courier servicemen upon delivery to the address given.
To do this, send the following information:
1. Your Full Name
2. Your Full House or Office Address
3. Fertility Booster
4. Expected Delivery Date
5. Phone Number of the Recipient
Call 08034152029
Our Company"Whomp Centre Alternative therapy Limited LTD " have participated in many International trade shows on natural and organic products ,we were committed to meet industry Natural Organic products world leaders, in 2013, 2014,2015 and 2017 respectively in United State of America and United Kingdom.This had given way to excellence through our dedication and commitment to take natural & organic herbal supplement to the greater heights.We are part of Natural Organic Products revolution in this century!!!
We bridge the gap between food as medicine and medicine as food by creating products that are meant to be used in our everyday lives.We embarked upon great and remarkable researching studying proven medicinal plants that good for our health.
Our holistic approach as health advocate and community leader who have tirelessly improve well- being of general public.We are strongly stick with our goals and missions.Our visions are fascinating for the natural world and plants started as our company is truly a lifelong paths,one that is full of beauty and wonder we have deep gratitude for the food and medicine that the plants provide us, therefore all of our herbal products are made with great respect and care.
With Our undying passion in research to bring a qualitative and curable herbal products to infection,infertility issues in Nigeria and at world at large.


Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)Chief Consultant Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD.

Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Ltd we are focused on herbal research and its development for the treatment of Infertility.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative therapy LTD duly registered with cooperate affairs commission in Nigeria and the name is synonymous with quality service in the curative and prevention of diseases.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative therapy Ltd become a house-hold name and has brought succor to many patients who have benefited from the abundant curative wisdom.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy LTD,our evidence based researched on natural and organic products made us the clear leader in the field of natural Organic products revolution and Our promise is to provide the finest certified organic for the treatment of communicable and non communicable diseases.
We have redefined our herbal products into supplements,made of it an art of human face.We understand disease better,our evidence researched base on natural and Organic medicine has made us the clear leader in the field of Natural Medicine World wide.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternaive Therapy Ltd is a center of excellence,the best sure in herbal therapy.The efficacy of our products is guarantee because it is certified tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.
We all came from nature,we live with nature and nobody can survive without nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is wealth.
Are you you tired of visiting several hospitals, and yo tried of antibiotics and you used lots of products bought from networking companies all your efforts proved abortive?
You should be proactive with your health and take urgent steps right now call us 08034152029 or 08058563316.
The efficacy of our products is guarantee because it has great potency to flush out the bacteria and boost your immune system naturally. A trial will convince you call us today 08034152029.
Whomp Int`l Centre Alternative Therapy Ltd: A center of excellence and the best sure in herbal therapy. You have to take a bold step today and give us a call. The efficacy of our products is guarantee. A certified and tested herbal products you can trust for good health and general well-beings.
We all came from nature,live with nature, Nobody can survive without nature. When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is the greatest wealth.
Whomp Int`L Centre Alternative Therapy
Head Office
28 Ivienagor street, Off Aina Ojodu Berger Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
Hot lines:+2348034152029, or 080-58563316
Whatsapp +2348034152029
hxxp: whompherbs. webs. com/